October 2023
An Inertia application running on a subdomain (two.example.org.ng) was returning a 419 Page Expired Error for no reason (or so I thought) if I open a different application running on a different subdomain (one.example.org.ng) and this was a problem.
#laravel #inertia #security #xsrf-token 1 minute read
December 2022
Configure Laravel + Inertia + Vite + Tailwind + Daisy-UI
#laravel #inertia #vite #tailwindcss #daisy 1 minute read
September 2021
The idea at its base is to generate unique usernames for each registration using a user’s the first and last names.
#development 1 minute read
Laravel Sanctum provides a featherweight authentication system for SPAs (single page applications), mobile applications, and simple, token based APIs.
#development #api 2 minutes read